


            ACCC Australian Competition and Consumer Commission 澳洲競爭暨消費者委員會

            ACCSQ ASEAN Consultative Committee on Standards and Quality 東南亞國協標準及品質咨詢委員會

            ACE Automated Commercial Environment 自動化商業環境

            ACDC Australia Commercial Disputes Centre 澳洲貿易爭議中心

            ACICA Australia Centre for International Commercial Arbitration 澳洲國際貿易仲裁中心

            ACOA Australian Civil Offsets Agreement 澳洲國內補償協議

            ADB Asian Development Bank 亞洲開發銀行

            AEPS Automated Entry Processing System 自動輸入過程系統

            AFTA ASEAN Free Trade Area 東協自由貿易區

            AGP Agreement on Government Procurement 政府采購協議

            ANSI American National Standards 美國國家標準研究所

            ANZCERTA Australia/New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement 澳紐緊密經貿關系協議

            APC Advance Passenger Clearance 旅客出關提升

            APEC Asia Pacific Economic Coppenation 亞太經濟合作會議

            APEC NBIP APEC Non-Binding Investment Principles 亞太經濟合作不具約束力投資原則

            APEC-CASE APEC Council of Academies Of Applied Sciences and Engineering APEC應用科與工程學術委員會

            APERC Asia-Pacific Energy Research Center 亞太能源研究中心

            APLAC Asia-Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation 亞太實驗室認證合~

            APLMF The Asia Pacific Legal Metrology Forum 亞太度量衡論壇

            API Advance Passenger Information 旅客提升信息

            APMP The Asia Pacific Metrology Forum 亞太度量衡計劃

            AQIS Australian Quarantine Inspection Service 澳洲檢疫措施

            AS Standard Australia 澳洲標準局

            ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations 東南亞國家協會(東協)

            ASTP Asian Single Tariff Policy 亞洲單一稅則政策

            ATC UR Agreement on Textiles and Clothing 烏拉圭回合紡織品協議

            ATC Agricultural Technical Cooperation 農業科技合作

            ATT&T Agricultural Technology Transfer and Training 農業科技轉移暨訓練

            BAC Budget and Administrative Committee 預算暨行政委員會

            BI Bureau of Immigration 移民局

            BIPM International Bureau of Weights and Measures 國際度量衡局

            BITs Bilateral Investment Treaties 雙邊投資協議

            B/L Bill of Landing 提單

            BMN Business Management Network 商業管理網絡

            BoC Bureau of Customs 關稅局

            BOO Build, Own, Operate 建造-擁有-營運

            BOT Build, Operate, Transfer 建造-營運-轉移

            BPM Balance of Payments Manual 收支平衡表

            CA Commonwealth Act 聯邦法案

            CAAS Commonwealth Arbitration Assistance Service 聯邦援助服務

            CANATA Canada-Australia Trade Agreement 加澳貿易協議

            CAT Communications Authority of Thailand 泰國電信局

            CAPs Collective Actin Plans 共同行動計劃

            CCF Customs Cooperation Fund 關稅合作基金

            CCIS Custom Control Information System 關稅控制信息系統

            CCTT Cross Cultural Technology 跨文化科技轉移

            CER Closer Economic Relations Agreement 緊密經濟關系協議

            CFC Chlorofluorocarbon 氟氯碳化物

            CIF Cost, Insurance, and Freight 到岸價格

            CIPM Committee on Weights and Measures 度量衡委員會

            CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 瀕臨絕種野生動植物國際貿易公約(華盛頓公約)

            CODEX Committee on Import and Export 進出口委員會

            COPANT Pan-American Commission of Technical Regulations 泛美技術規范委員會

            CRS Computer Reservation System 計算機儲存系統

            CTI Committee on Trade and Investment 貿易暨投資委員會

            CVA Customs Valuation Agreement 海關估值協定

            DC Different Customs 差別關稅

            DOLE Department of Labor and Employment 勞工暨就業部

            DOT Department of Tourism 觀光部

            DTA Double Taxation Agreement 雙重課稅協定

            ECONOMICES 經濟體

            EDFOR Education Forum 教育論壇

            EDI Electronic Data Interchange 電子數據交換

            EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility (螺絲)電磁兼容性

            ESA Endorsed Supplier Arrangement 認同代理協議
            ETA Electronic Travel Authorities 電子傳訊權

            FACTS Facilitation, Accountability, Consistency,Transparency, Simplification 便捷化、公信力、一貫性、透明化、簡化

            FDI Foreign Direct Investment 外人直接投資

            FIPAs Foreign Investment Protection Agreements 國外投資保障協議

            FIRB Foreign Investment Review Board 外國投資人審查委員會

            fob Free on board 離岸價格

            FWG Working Group on Fisheries 漁業工作小組

            GAP Government Procurement Agreement 政府采購協議

            GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services 服務業總協議

            GATT General Agreement on Tariff and Trade 關稅暨貿易總協議

            GDP Gross Domestic Production 國內生產毛額

            GEMS Government Electronic Marketplace Service 政電子商場服務

            GINS Gold Information Network Services 黃金信息網絡服務

            GMP Good Manufacturing Practices 優良食品規范

            GPC General Policy Committee 總體政策委員會

            GPT General Preferential Tariff 一般優惠關稅

            GPWG Government Procurement 政府采購專家小組

            GSA General Sales Agents 一般銷售代理商

            GSP Generalized System of Preferences 普遍化優惠關稅制度

            GST Goods and Services Tax 貨物服務稅

            HRD Human Resources and Development 人力資源與發展

            HURDIT Human Resource Development in Industrial Technology 工業科技的人力資源發展

            IAF International Accreditation Forum 國際認證論壇

            IAP Individual Action Plan 個別行動計劃

            ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization 國際民航組織

            ICC International Chamber of Commerce 國際商會

            ICCP Committee on Information, Computer and Communications Policy 信息計算機通信政策委員會

            ICDR International Commercial Dispute Resolution 國際貿易糾紛調解

            ICSID International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes 投資糾紛國際處理中心

            IEC International Electrotechnical Commission 國際電子技術委員會

            IMO International Maritime Organization 國際海事組織

            IMOC International Maritime Organization Conventions 國際海事組織協約

            IPC International Patent Classification 國際專利分類
            IPP Independent Power Producers 獨立電力生產者

            IPPA Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement 投資促進暨保護協議

            IPPC International Plant Protection Convention 國際植物保護公約

            IPR Intellectual Property Rights 智慧財產權

            IRC Internal Revenue Commission 國稅局

            ISO The International Organization for Standardization 國際標準組織

            IST Working Group on Industrial Science and Technology 工業科技工作小組

            ITA Information Technology Agreement 信息科技協議

            IT&T Information Technology and Telecommunication 信息科技及電信

            ITU International Telecommunications Union 國際電信聯盟

            IVANS International value-added Network Services 國際加值網絡服務

            JOA Joint Operation Agreement 聯合操作協議

            LDCs Less Developed Countries 低開發國家

            LMI Labor Market Information 勞動力市場信息

            MAI Multilateral Agreement on Investment 多邊投資協議

            MFN Most-Favored Nations 最惠國待遇

            MICP Manila International Container Port 馬尼拉國際貨柜港

            MRAs Mutual Recognition Arrangements 雙邊認證協定

            MRC WG Working Group on Marine Resources Conservation 海洋資源保存作小組

            MWA Metropolitan Waterworks Authority 大都會水利事業單位

            NAFTA North Atlantic Free Trade Area 北大西洋自由貿易地區

            NCSC National Certification System of Conformity 國家認證系統

            NEDM Network on Economic Development Management 經濟發展管理網絡

            NGBT Negotiation Group on Basic Telecommunications 基本電信談判小組

            NGMTS Negotiating Group on Maritime Transport Services 海洋交通服務談判小組

            NML National Measurement Laboratory 國家計量實驗室

            NORAMET North American Metrology Cooperation 北美度量衡合作

            NRTC National Road Transport Commission 國家道路運輸委員會

            NSC National Standards Commission 國家標準委員會

            NTB Non-Tariff Barriers 非關稅障礙

            NTMs Non-Tariff Measures 非關稅措施

            OAA Osaka Action Agenda 大阪行動綱領

            OADA Overseas Agricultural Development Association 海外農業發展協會
            OECD Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development 經濟合作發展組織

            OIML Organization International Metrology Legal 國際度量衡公約組織

            PAC Pacific Accreditation Cooperation 太平洋認證合作

            PASC Pacific Areas Standards Congress 太平洋地區標準會議

            PATA Pacific Asia Travel Association 亞太旅游協會

            PATCRA PNG/Australia Trade and Commercial Relations Agreement 巴澳經貿關系協議

            PC Productivity Commission 生產力委員會

            PCT Patent Cooperation Treaty 專利合作協定

            PD Presidential Decree 總統命令

            PMV Passenger Motor Vehicles 載客車

            PNG Papua New Guinea 巴布亞新幾內亞

            PNS Philippine National Standards 菲律賓國家標準

            PPD Primary Production Department 初級生產部門

            PSCs Production Sharing Contracts 生產分享契約

            RAB Registrar Accreditation Board 注冊認證局

            REC Regional Energy Cooperation 區域能源合作

            ROO Rules of Origin 原產地規定

            RTG Royal Thai Governments 泰國皇室政府

            SCC Standards Council of Canada 加拿大標準委員會

            SCCP Subcommittee on Customs Procedures 關稅程序次級委員會

            SEZs Specialized Economic Zones 經濟特區

            SIP Systems Integration Panel 系統整合小組

            SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises 中小企業

            SNI Indonesian National Standard 印度尼西亞國家標準

            SOM Senior Officials Meeting 資深官員會議

            SPARTECA South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement 南太平洋區域貿易暨經濟合作協議

            SPP Small Power Producers 小規模電力生產者

            SPS Sanitary and Phytosanitary 動植物檢疫

            TBT Agreement Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade 貿易技術障礙協議

            TC Technical Committees 技術委員會

            TCF Textiles, Clothing and Footwear 紡織品、成衣與鞋類

            TDTF Tariff Database Task Force 關稅資料小組

            TID Trade and Investment Data Review 貿易與投資資料檢視
            TIDDB Trade and Investment Data Database 貿易與投資數據庫

            TILF Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation 貿易暨投金自由化、便捷化

            TMB Technical Management Board 技術管理委員會

            TOT Telephone Organization of Thailand 泰國電話組織

            TP Working Group on Trade and Promotion 貿易推廣工作小組

            TPOs Trade Promotion Organizations 貿易促進組織

            TPT Working Group on Transportation 運輸工作小組

            TRIPs Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights 貿易相關方面智慧財產權

            TRQs Tariff-rate Quotas 關稅稅率配額

            TWG Working Group on Tourism 觀光工作小組

            UN United Nations 聯合國

            UNCITRAL United Nations Commission on International Trade Law 聯合國國際貿易法委員會

            UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 聯合國歐洲經濟委員會

            UNESCO Universal Copyright Convention 全球版權協約

            UR Uruguay Round 烏拉圭回合

            VCL Valuation and Classification Library 評價分類圖書館

            VER(10) Voluntary Export Restraints 自愿性出口限制

            WCO World Customs Organization 世界智能財產組織

            WG Working Group 工作小組

            WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization 世界智能財產權組織

            WTO World Trade Organization 世界貿易組織

            WTTC World Travel Tourism Council 世界觀光旅游委員會

            Tariff 關稅

            Services 服務

            Telecommunications 電信

            Transportation 運輸

            Energy 能源

            Tourism 觀光

            Investment 投資

            Customs Procedures 關務程序

            Intellectual Property Rights 智慧財產權

            Competition Policy 競爭政策

            Deregulation 解除管制
            Dispute Mediation 爭端調解

            Mobility of Business People 商務人士移動

            Information Gathering and Analysis 信息搜集與分析


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