


            沖壓課? Stamping Section
            沖壓區(qū) Stamping Area
            沖壓現(xiàn)場(chǎng)辦公區(qū) Stamping Section Office
            點(diǎn)焊區(qū) Welding Area
            拉釘區(qū) Riveting Area
            打磨區(qū) Sanding Area
            拉釘現(xiàn)場(chǎng)辦公區(qū) Riveting Section Office
            廢棄物存放區(qū) Scrap Area
            烤漆課 Coating Section
            烤漆區(qū) Coating Area
            液體/粉體 Liquid/Powder
            烤漆清洗線 Degreasing Process
            烤漆前處理區(qū) Coating Prep Area
            超音波清洗區(qū) Ultrasonic Cleaning Process
            粉體烤漆線 Powder Coating Line
            液體烤漆線 Liquid Painting Line
            粉體涂裝室 Powder Coating Spraying Room
            液體涂裝室 Liquid Painting Spraying Room
            烤漆課現(xiàn)場(chǎng)辦公區(qū) Coating Section Office
            集塵室 Dust Collector Room
            吹塵室 Dust Blow Off Room
            調(diào)漆室 Paint Mixing Room
            打磨房 Sanding Room
            煤氣房 Natural Gas Control Room
            預(yù)脫脂槽 Degreasing Area Stage 1
            主脫脂槽 Degreasing Area Stage 2
            皮膜槽 Metal Surface Phosphate Treating Area
            清水槽 Rinsing Area
            沉淀儲(chǔ)水池 Waste Deposit
            小心吊物 Warning: Hooks in Operation
            小心碰頭? Warning: Head Injury, Low Shelves
            更衣間 Dressing Room
            閑人免進(jìn)Warning: Only Authorized Personnel
            警告: 須著防靜電衣后才可入內(nèi). Warning: Antistatic Clothing is Required
            貴賓衣柜/鞋柜 For Visitors Use Only
            員工鞋柜? Employee Shoes Lockers
            雜項(xiàng)物料區(qū) Miscellaneous Items Storage
            不合格品區(qū) Non-Conforming Parts Area
            廢棄物存放區(qū) Scrap Area
            烤漆制具保養(yǎng)室 Masking Maintenance
            烤漆卸制具制程 De-Masking Process
            治具保養(yǎng)室 Fixture/Jig/Gauge Maintenance
            組配課 Assembly Section
            組配區(qū) Assembly Area
            上班入口 Entrance
            下班出口 Exit
            組配現(xiàn)場(chǎng)辦公區(qū) Assembly Section Office
            包材作業(yè)區(qū) Packaging Area
            備料區(qū) Material Staging Area
            不合格品區(qū) Non-conforming Parts Area
            換鞋間Changing Room
            為保持清潔,請(qǐng)您換鞋. For cleanliness, please change your shoes.
            組裝線Assembly Line
            負(fù)責(zé)人 Line Leader
            前置加工線 Prep Line
            散件大宗線 Accessory Part Assembly Line

            會(huì)議室 Conference Room
            洗手間 Rest Room
            茶水間 Tea Room
            電腦機(jī)房 MIS Server Room
            復(fù)印室? Copy Room
            教育訓(xùn)練室 Training Room
            倉(cāng)管課 Warehouse Management Section
            品管部 QC Dept.
            品管部資料室 document Control, QC Dept.
            品管部樣品室 QC Sample Room
            塑料廠 Plastic Plant
            塑料廠廠長(zhǎng)室 Plastic Plant Manager
            塑料廠經(jīng)理室 Manager
            塑料成型課 Molding Section
            物料室 Raw Material Warehouse/Storage
            碎料室 Crusher Room
            模具存放區(qū) Tooling Warehouse
            成型課現(xiàn)場(chǎng)辦公區(qū) Molding Section Office
            工具區(qū) Accessorial Tools Storage
            治具柜放置區(qū) Fixture/Jig/Gauge Racks
            設(shè)備維修區(qū) Tooling Maintenance Area
            柜式烤爐 Oven
            不良品放置區(qū) Non-Conforming Product Area
            重工區(qū) Rework Area
            包材存放區(qū) Packing Material Area

            塑料噴漆印刷課 Plastic Decoration Section
            周轉(zhuǎn)包材放置區(qū) Recycled Packaging Materials Rack
            大宗包材放置區(qū) Packaging Material Rack
            待印刷產(chǎn)品放置區(qū) Silkscreen/Pad Printing WIP Material
            待噴漆產(chǎn)品放置區(qū) WIP Material
            "調(diào)漆房&治具房Paint Mixing Room & Fixture Shop
            重點(diǎn)防火區(qū) No Fire Area
            噴漆房Painting Room
            謝絕參觀Authorized Personnel Only
            浴塵室除塵 Dust Vacuum Room
            1. Enter the room when light turns green.
            2.Close door to start vacuum
            3.除塵時(shí)間約為8秒,聽到" 啪 "一聲后開門走出
            3.Vacuum time 8 seconds. Exit room at the sound of the "pop".

            塑料廠設(shè)計(jì)課 Plastic Molding Design Section
            塑料制模課 Tooling Fabrication Section

            修模區(qū) Tooling Repair Area
            省模區(qū) Polishing Area
            制模區(qū) Tooling Fabrication Area
            EDM加工區(qū) EDM Area
            CNC加工區(qū) CNC Area
            檢驗(yàn)區(qū) Inspection Area
            外發(fā)區(qū) Shipping Area
            模具廠/中心 Tooling Plant/Center
            模具廠辦公室 Tooling Center Office
            五金模具廠 Sheet Metal Tooling Shop
            五金加工設(shè)計(jì)課 Sheet Metal Tooling Design Section
            五金模具維修區(qū)Sheet Metal Tooling Maintenance Area
            五金模具制模區(qū)Sheet Metal Tooling Fabrication Area
            線割房 Wire Cutting Shop
            五金工具室 Tooling Parts Storage
            CNC加工區(qū) CNC Area
            樣品室 Sample Room
            試模區(qū) Stamping Try-Out Area
            會(huì)議室 Conference Room
            廠長(zhǎng)室 Plant Manager

            鐵材倉(cāng) Sheet Metal Warehouse ----Raw Materials
            沖件倉(cāng) Stamping Warehouse ---- WIP
            包材倉(cāng) Packaging Material Warehouse
            塑料倉(cāng) Injection Molding Warehouse ---- WIP
            待驗(yàn)區(qū) Holding Area
            貴重物品倉(cāng) High value Materials Warehouse
            特殊物料倉(cāng) Special Item Storage
            塑料原料區(qū) Plastic Warehouse - Raw Materials
            不合格倉(cāng) Non-conforming Parts Area
            烤漆件倉(cāng) Coating Parts Warehouse
            成品倉(cāng) Finished Product Warehouse
            小件倉(cāng) Small Parts Warehouse
            收料窗口 Receiving Window
            IQC 檢驗(yàn)臺(tái) IQC Inspection Station
            QA實(shí)驗(yàn)室 "Quality Assurance
            Lab I/1
            Lab II/2"
            QA量測(cè)室 QA Measurement Office
            模具倉(cāng) "Tooling Warehouse


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