


            禁止兒童入內 No children will be admitted
            絕對禁止吸煙 Positively no smoking
            禁止攤販入內 Paddler prohibited
            禁止通行 No thoroughfare
            禁止吸煙 No smoking
            禁止車馬通行 No thoroughfare for vehicles and horses
            禁踏草地 Keep off the grass
            禁止入內 Off limits
            禁止招貼 Post no bills
            非公莫入 No admittance except on business
            閑人免進 Authorized personnel only
            請肅靜 Be silent
            隨手關門 Shut the door after you
            謝絕參觀 No visitors allowed
            歡迎光臨 Welcome to ......
            請脫鞋 Shoes off
            請脫帽 Please remove your hats
            免費入場 Admission is free
            本日休業 Closed to-day
            向右行也 Keep to the right
            此路不通 Blocked
            油漆未干 Wet paint
            不準手觸 Hands off
            不準停車 No parking
            出售 For sale
            售完 Sold
            本日售完 All sold out to-day
            非賣品 Not for sale
            謹防扒手 Beware of pickpocket
            謹防惡犬 Beware of vicious dog
            ?小心火燭 Beware of fire
            廁所 Latrine,Lavatory
            女廁 Ladies
            男廁 Gentlemen
            房屋出售 House to let
            房屋出租 House for rent
            保證滿意 Satisfaction guaranted
            保證完全滿意 Full Satisfaction guaranted
            如服務不周免收費用 Money back if our service is found unsatisfactory
            價錢公道 Reasonable price
            賒賬免言 No credit charge
            年度大賤賣 Annual cheap sale
            交貨迅速 Quick service
            一周交貨 One week delivery
            保持干燥 Must be kept dry,keep dry
            保持涼冷 Keep cool
            存放于涼冷地方 Stow in a cool place
            保持平放 Keep flat
            保持直立 To be kept upright
            保持完整 To be kept perfectly
            小心搬動 Handle with care
            特別當心搬動 Handle with great care
            此邊向上 This side up
            此端向上 This end up
            易碎品 Fragile
            易腐品 Perishable
            不可拋擲 Do not drop
            不可接熱 Keep from heat
            不可平放 Never lay flat(Not to be laid flat)
            避免陽光 Keep out of the sun
            不可用鉤 Use no hooks,No hooks
            不準腳踏 No steps
            運費付訖 Freight paid
            運費由提貨人支付 Freight forward
            除非使用或檢查不得打開 Do not open except for use or inspection
            手臂勿伸出窗外 Do not permit arms to extent from windows


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