


            安全網 safety net
            按可比口徑 on comparable basis
            按輕重緩急 to prioritize
            暗補 implicit subsidy
            暗虧 hidden loss

            頒發營業執照 to license; to grant a licence to
            辦理存款業務 to take deposits
            保護農民的生產積極性 to protect farmers' incentive to produce
            備付金(超額準備金) excess reserves
            本外幣并賬 consolidation of domestic and foreign currency accounts
            本外幣對沖操作 sterilization operation
            本位利益 localized interest; departmentalism
            奔小康 to strive to prosper;to strive to become well-to-do
            避稅(請見"逃稅") tax avoidance
            幣種搭配不當 currency mismatch
            幣種構成 currency composition
            變相社會集資 disguised irregular (or illegal) fund raising
            表外科目(業務) off-balance-sheet items (operation)
            薄弱環節 weaknesses; loopholes
            不變成本 fixed cost
            不變價 at constant price; in real terms
            不動產 real estate
            不良貸款(資產) problem loans; non-performing loans (assets)

            財務公司 finance companies
            財政赤字 fiscal deficit
            財政擠銀行 fiscal pressure on the central bank (over monetary policy)
            財政政策與貨幣政策的配合 coordination of fiscal and monetary policies
            采取循序漸進的方法 in a phased and sequenced manner
            操作彈性 operational flexibility
            操縱匯率 to manipulate exchange rate
            產品構成 product composition; product mix
            產品積壓 stock pile; excessive inventory
            產銷率 current period inventory; (即期庫存,不含前期庫存) sales/outputratio
            產銷銜接 marketability
            產業政策 industrial policy
            長期國債 treasury bonds
            敞口頭寸 open position
            炒股 to speculate in the stock market
            承購包銷 underwrite (securities)
            成套機電產品 complete sets of equipment; complete plant (s)
            城市信用社 urban credit cooperatives (UCCs)
            城市合作銀行 urban cooperative banks; municipal united banks
            城市商業銀行 municipal commercial banks
            城鄉居民收入增長超過物價漲幅 real growth in household income
            持續升溫 persistent overheating
            重復布點 duplicate projects
            重置成本 replacement cost
            重組計劃 restructuring plan
            籌資渠道 funding sources; financing channels
            初見成效 initial success
            出口統一管理、歸口經營 canalization of exports
            出口退稅 export tax rebate
            儲蓄存款 household deposits (不完全等同于西方的 savings deposits, 前者包括活期存款,后者不包括。)
            儲蓄分流 diversion of household deposits
            儲源萎縮 decline in the availability of household savings
            傳導機制 transmission mechanism
            從價稅 ad valorem tax
            從緊控制 tight control
            存貸款比例 loan/deposit ratio
            存款保險體系 deposit insurance system
            存款貨幣銀行 deposit money banks
            存款準備金 required reserves

            打白條 issue IOU
            大額存單 certificate of deposit (CD)
            大額提現 withdraw deposits in large amounts
            大面積滑坡 wide-spread decline
            大一統的銀行體制 (all-in-one) mono-bank system
            呆賬(請見"壞賬") bad loans
            呆賬準備金 loan loss reserves (provisions)
            呆滯貸款 idle loans
            貸款沉淀 non-performing loans
            貸款分類 loan classification
            貸款限額管理 credit control; to impose credit ceiling
            貸款約束機制 credit disciplinary (constraint) mechanism
            代理國庫 to act as fiscal agent
            代理金融機構貸款 make loans on behalf of other institutions
            戴帽貸款 ear-marked loans
            倒逼機制 reversed transmission of the pressure for easing monetary condition
            道德風險 moral hazard
            地區差別 regional disparity
            第一產業 the primary industry
            第二產業 the secondary industry
            第三產業 the service industry; the tertiary industry
            遞延資產 deferrable assets
            訂貨不足 insufficient orders
            定期存款 time deposits
            定向募集 raising funds from targeted sources
            東道國(請見"母國") host country
            獨立核算 independent accounting
            短期國債 treasury bills
            對沖操作 sterilization operation; hedging
            對非金融部門債權 claims on non-financial sector
            多種所有制形式 diversified ownership

            惡性通貨膨脹 hyperinflation
            二級市場 secondary market

            發行貨幣 to issue currency
            發行總股本 total stock issue
            法定準備金 required reserves; reserve requirement
            法人股 institutional shares
            法人股東 institutional shareholders
            法治 rule of law
            房地產投資 real estate investment
            放松銀根 to ease monetary policy
            非現場稽核 off-site surveillance (or monitoring)
            非銀行金融機構 non-bank financial institutions
            非贏利性機構 non-profit organizations
            分稅制 assignment of central and local taxes; tax assignment system
            分業經營 segregation of financial business (services); division of business scope based on the type of financial institutions
            風險暴露(風險敞口) risk exposure
            風險管理 risk management
            風險意識 risk awarenes
            風險資本比例 risk-weighted capital ratios
            風險資本標準 risk-based capital standard
            服務事業收入 public service charges; user's charges
            扶貧 poverty alleviation
            負增長 negative growth
            復式預算制 double-entry budgeting; capital and current budgetary account

            改革試點 reform experimentation
            杠桿率 leverage ratio
            杠桿收購 leveraged buyout
            高息集資 to raise funds by offering high interest
            個人股 non-institutional shares
            根本扭轉 fundamental turnaround (or reversal)
            公開市場操作 open market operations
            公款私存 deposit public funds in personal accounts
            公用事業 public utilities
            公有經濟 the state-owned sector; the public sector
            公有制 public ownership
            工業成本利潤率 profit-to-cost ratio
            工業增加值 industrial value added
            供大于求 supply exceeding demand; excessive supply
            鼓勵措施 incentives
            股份合作企業 joint-equity cooperative enterprises
            股份制企業 joint-equity enterprises
            股份制銀行 joint-equity banks
            固定資產貸款 fixed asset loans
            關稅減免 tariff reduction and exemption
            關稅減讓 tariff concessions
            關稅優惠 tariff incentives; preferential tariff treatment
            規范行為 to regularize (or standardize)...behavior
            規模效益 economies of scale
            國計民生 national interest and people's livelihood
            國家對個人其他支出 other government outlays to individuals
            國家風險 country risk
            國際分工 international division of labor
            國際收支 balance of payments
            國有獨資商業銀行 wholly state-owned commercial banks
            國有經濟(部門) the state-owned (or public) sector
            國有企業 state-owned enterprises (SOEs)
            國有制 state-ownership
            國有資產流失 erosion of state assets
            國債回購 government securities repurchase
            國債一級自營商 primary underwriters of government securities
            過度競爭 excessive competition
            過度膨脹 excessive expansion
            過熱跡象 signs of overheating

            合理預期 rational expectation
            核心資本 core capital
            合資企業 joint-venture enterprises
            紅利 dividend
            宏觀經濟運營良好 sound macroeconomic performance
            宏觀經濟基本狀況 macroeconomic fundamentals
            宏觀調控 macroeconomic management (or adjustment)
            宏觀調控目標 macroeconomic objectives (or targets)
            壞賬 bad debt
            還本付息 debt service
            換匯成本 unit export cost;local currency cost of export earnings
            匯兌在途 funds in float
            匯兌支出 advance payment of remittance by the beneficiary's bank
            匯率并軌 unification of exchange rates
            活期存款 demand deposits
            匯率失調 exchange rate misalignment
            混合所有制 diversified (mixed) ownership
            貨幣政策態勢 monetary policy stance
            貨款拖欠 overdue obligations to suppliers
            基本建設投資 investment in infrastructure
            基本經濟要素 economic fundamentals
            基本適度 broadly appropriate
            基準利率 benchmark interest rate
            機關團體存款 deposits of non-profit institutions
            機會成本 opportunity cost
            激勵機制 incentive mechanism
            積壓嚴重 heavy stockpile; excessive inventory
            擠提存款 run on banks
            擠占挪用 unwarranted diversion of (financial) resources(from designated uses)
            技改投資 investment in technological upgrading
            技術密集型產品 technology-intensive product
            計劃單列市 municipalities with independent planning status
            計劃經濟 planned economy
            集體經濟 the collective sector
            加大結構調整力度 to intensify structural adjustment
            加工貿易 processing trade
            加快態勢 accelerating trend
            加強稅收征管稽查 to enhance tax administration
            加權價 weighted average price
            價格放開 price liberalization
            價格形成機制 pricing mechanism
            減虧 to reduce losses
            簡化手續 to cut red tape; to simplify (streamline) procedures
            交投活躍 brisk trading
            繳存準備金 to deposit required reserves
            結構扭曲 structural distortion
            結構失調 structural imbalance
            結構性矛盾突出 acute structural imbalance
            結構優化 structural improvement (optimization)
            結匯、售匯 sale and purchase of foreign exchange
            金融脆弱 financial fragility
            金融動蕩 financial turbulence
            金融風波 financial disturbance
            金融恐慌 financial panic
            金融危機 financial crisis
            金融壓抑 financial repression
            金融衍生物 financial derivatives
            金融詐騙 financial fraud
            緊縮銀根 to tighten monetary policy
            緊縮政策 austerity policies; tight financial policies
            經常賬戶可兌換 current account convertibility
            經濟特區 special economic zones (SEZs)
            經濟體制改革 economic reform
            經濟增長方式的轉變 change in the main source of economic growth (from investment expansion to efficiency gains)
            經濟增長減速 economic slowdown;moderation in economic growth
            經濟制裁 economic sanction
            經營自主權 autonomy in management
            景氣回升 recovery in business activity
            境外投資 overseas investment
            競爭加劇 intensifying competition
            局部性金融風波 localized (isolated) financial disturbance
            開辦人民幣業務 to engage in RMB business
            可維持(可持續)經濟增長 sustainable economic growth
            可變成本 variable cost
            可自由兌換貨幣 freely convertible currency
            控制現金投放 control currency issuance
            扣除物價因素 in real terms; on inflation-adjusted basis
            庫存產品 inventory
            跨國銀行業務 cross-border banking
            跨年度采購 cross-year procurement
            會計準則 accounting standard

            來料加工 processing of imported materials for export
            離岸銀行業務 off-shore banking (business)
            理順外貿體制 to rationalize foreign trade regime
            利率杠桿的調節作用 the role of interest rates in resource allocation
            利潤驅動 profit-driven
            利息回收率 interest collection ratio
            聯行清算 inter-bank settlement
            連鎖企業 franchise (businesses); chain businesses
            良性循環 virtuous cycle
            兩極分化 growing income disparity;polarization in income distribution
            零售物價指數 retail price index (RPI)
            流動性比例 liquidity ratio
            流動資產周轉率/流通速度 velocity of liquid assets
            流動資金貸款 working capital loans
            流通體制 distribution system
            流通網絡 distribution network
            留購(租賃期滿時承租人可購買租賃物) hire purchase
            壟斷行業 monopolized industry (sector)
            亂集資 irregular (illegal) fund raising
            亂收費 irregular (illegal) charges
            亂攤派 unjustified (arbitrary) levies

            買方市場 buyer's market
            賣方市場 seller's market
            賣出回購證券 matched sale of repo
            貿易差額 trade balance
            民間信用 non-institutionalized credit
            免二減三 exemption of income tax for the first two years of making profit and 50% tax reduction for the following three years
            明補 explicit subsidy
            明虧 explicit loss
            名牌產品 brand products
            母國(請見"東道國") home country

            內部控制 internal control
            內部審計 internal audit
            內地與香港 the mainland and Hong Kong
            內債 domestic debt
            扭虧為盈 to turn a loss-making enterprise into a profitable one
            扭曲金融分配 distorted allocation of financial resources
            農副產品采購支出 outlays for agricultural procurement
            農村信用社 rural credit cooperatives (RCCs)

            泡沫效應 bubble effect
            泡沫經濟 bubble economy
            培育新的經濟增長點 to tap new sources of economic growth
            片面追求發展速度 excessive pursuit of growth
            平衡發展 balanced development
            瓶頸制約 bottleneck (constraints)
            平穩回升 steady recovery
            鋪底流動資金 initial (start-up) working capital
            普遍回升 broad-based recovery
            配套改革 concomitant (supporting) reforms
            配套人民幣資金 local currency funding of...

            企業辦社會 enterprises burdened with social responsibilities
            企業集團戰略 corporate group strategy
            企業兼并重組 company merger and restructuring
            企業領導班子 enterprise management
            企業所得稅 enterprise (corporate) income tax
            企業效益 corporate profitability
            企業資金違規流入股市 irregular flow of enterprise funds into the stock market
            欠稅 tax arrears
            欠息 overdue interest
            強化稅收征管 to strengthen tax administration
            強制措施 enforcement action
            翹尾因素 carryover effect
            切一刀 partial application
            清理收回貸款 clean up and recover loans
            (破產)清算 liquidation
            傾斜政策 preferential policy
            區別對待 differential treatment
            趨勢加強 intensifying trend
            全球化 globalization
            權益回報率 returns on equity (ROE)
            缺乏后勁 unsustainable momentum

            繞規模貸款 to circumvent credit ceiling
            人均國內生產總值 per capita GDP
            人均收入 per capita income
            人民幣升值壓力 upward pressure on the Renminbi (exchange rate)
            認繳資本 subscribed capital
            軟貸款 soft loans
            軟預算約束 soft budget constraint
            軟著陸 soft landing

            三角債 chain debts; inter-enterprise arrears
            善政廉政 good governance
            商業貸款 commercial loans
            上市公司 (publicly) listed corporations
            設備利用 capacity utilization
            社會保障 social safety net; social security (insurance)
            深層次矛盾 deep-rooted structural imbalance
            審批金融機構 to license financial institutions
            審慎監管 prudential supervision
            生產能力閑置 unutilized capacity
            生息資產 interest-bearing assets
            實際利用外資 disbursement of foreign capital;actual inflow of foreign investment
            實際有效匯率 real effective exchange rate
            實時 real time
            實收資本 paid-in capital
            實現利潤 realized profit
            市場分割 market segmentation
            市場經濟 market economy
            市場占有率(市場份額) market share
            市場準入 market access (指商品和勞務的進入);market entry (指機構的審批)
            市價總值 market capitalization
            適度從緊 appropriately tight
            適時調節 timely adjustment
            收回對金融機構貸款 to recall central bank loans (to financial institutions)
            稅后還貸 amortization (repayment of loans) after tax
            稅收流失 tax erosion
            稅源不足 weak tax base
            私營經濟(私人經濟) the private sector
            私有制 private ownership
            所有者權益 owner's equity

            逃稅(請見"避稅") tax evasion
            套匯 (1)指合法:currency swap; arbitrage
            (2)指非法:illegal purchase of foreign exchange
            剔除季節性因素 seasonally adjusted
            調節流動性 to influence liquidity level
            貼現窗口 discount window
            同比 on year-on-year basis;over the same period of the previous year
            同業拆借(放) inter-bank borrowing (lending)
            同業拆借市場利率(中國) CHIBOR (China inter-bank offered rate)
            同業融通票據 inter-bank financing bills
            同業往來 inter-bank transactions
            透支 overdraft
            退稅 tax refund (rebate)
            頭寸 position
            吞吐基礎貨幣 adjustment of monetary base
            脫媒現象 disintermediation

            外部審計 external audit
            外國直接投資 foreign direct investment (FDI)
            外匯儲備 foreign exchange reserves
            外匯調劑 foreign exchange swap
            外匯占款 the RMB counterpart of foreign exchange reserves;the RMB equivalent of offcial foreign exchange holdings
            外向型經濟 export-oriented economy
            外債 external debt
            外資企業 foreign-funded enterprises
            完善現代企業制度 to improve the modern enterprise system
            完稅憑證 tax payment documentation
            違法經營 illegal business
            委托存款 entrusted deposits
            穩步增長 steady growth
            穩健的銀行系統 a sound banking system
            穩中求進 to make progress while ensuring stability
            無紙交易 book-entry (or paperless/scriptless) transaction
            物價監測 price monitoring

            吸納流動性 to absorb liquidity
            稀缺經濟 scarcity economy
            洗錢 money laundering
            系統內調度 fund allocation within a bank
            系統性金融危機 systemic financial crisis
            下崗工人 laid-off employees
            下游企業 down-stream enterprises
            現場稽核 on-site examination
            現金滯留(居民手中) cash held outside the banking system
            鄉鎮企業 township and village enterprises (TVEs)
            消費物價指數 consumer price index (CPI)
            消費稅 excise (consumption) tax
            消滅財政赤字 to balance the budget; to eliminate fiscal deficit
            銷貨款回籠 reflow of corporate sales income to the banking system
            銷售平淡 lackluster sales
            協議外資金額 committed amount of foreign investment
            新經濟增長點 new sources of economic growth
            新開工項目 new projects; newly started projects
            新增貸款 incremental credit; loan increment; credit growth;credit expansion
            新增就業位置 new jobs; new job opportunities
            信貸規模考核 review the compliance with credit ceilings
            信號失真 distorted signals
            信托投資公司 trust and investment companies
            信息不對稱 information asymmetry
            信息反饋 feedback (information)
            信息共享系統 information sharing system
            信息披露 information disclosure
            信用擴張 credir expansion
            信用評級 credit rating
            姓"資"還是姓"社" pertaining to socialism or capitalism; socialist or captialist
            行政措施 administrative measures
            需求膨脹 demand expansion; excessive demand
            虛偽存款 window-dressing deposits
            削減冗員 to shed excess labor force
            尋租 rent seeking
            迅速反彈 quick rebound

            養老基金 pension fund
            一刀切 universal application; non-discretionary implementation
            一級市場 primary market
            應收未收利息 overdue interest
            銀行網點 banking outlets
            贏利能力 profitability
            營業稅 business tax
            硬貸款(商業貸款) commercial loans
            用地審批 to grant land use right
            有管理的浮動匯率 managed floating exchange rate
            證券投資 portfolio investment
            游資(熱錢) hot money
            有市場的產品 marketable products
            有效供給 effective supply
            誘發新一輪經濟擴張 trigger a new round of economic expansion
            逾期貸款 overdue loans; past-due loans
            與國際慣例接軌 to become compatible with internationally accepted practices
            與國際市場接軌 to integrate with the world market
            預算外支出(收入) off-budget (extra-budgetary) expenditure (revenue)
            預調 pre-emptive adjustment
            月環比 on a month-on-month basis; on a monthly basis

            再貸款 central bank lending
            在國際金融機構儲備頭寸 reserve position in international financial institutions
            在人行存款 deposits at (with) the central bank
            在途資金 fund in float
            增加農業投入 to increase investment in agriculture
            增勢減緩 deceleration of growth; moderation of growth momentum
            增收節支措施 revenue-enhancing and expenditure control measures
            增長平穩 steady growth
            增值稅 value-added tax (VAT)
            漲幅偏高 higher-than-desirable growth rate; excessive growth
            賬外賬 concealed accounts
            折舊 depreciation
            整頓 retrenchment; consolidation
            政策工具 policy instrument
            政策性業務 policy-related operations
            政策性銀行 policy banks
            政策組合 policy mix
            政府干預 government intervention
            證券交易清算 settlement of securities transactions
            證券業務占款 funding of securities purchase
            支付困難 payment difficulty
            支付能力 payment capacity
            直接調控方式向 to increase the reliance on indirect policy instruments
            職能轉換 transformation of functions
            職業道德 professional ethics
            指令性措施 mandatory measures
            指令性計劃 mandatory plan; administered plan
            制定和實施貨幣政策 to conduct monetary policy; to formulate and implement monetary policy
            滯后影響 lagged effect
            中介機構 intermediaries
            中央與地方財政 delineation of fiscal responsibilities
            分灶吃飯重點建設 key construction projects; key investment project
            周期谷底 bottom (trough) of business cycle
            周轉速度 velocity
            主辦銀行 main bank
            主權風險 sovereign risk
            注冊資本 registered capital
            逐步到位 to phase in; phased implementation
            逐步取消 to phase out
            抓大放小 to seize the big and free the small (to maintain close oversight on the large state-ownedenterprises and subject smaller ones to market competition)
            專款專用 use of funds as ear-marked
            轉貸 on-lending
            轉軌經濟 transition economy
            轉機 turnaround
            轉折關頭 turning point
            準財政赤字 quasi-fiscal deficit
            準貨幣 quasi-money
            資本不足 under-capitalized
            資本充足率 capital adequacy ratio
            資本利潤率 return on capital
            資本賬戶可兌換 capital account convertibility
            資不抵債 insolvent; insolvency
            資產負債表 balance sheet
            資產負債率 liability/asset ratio; ratio of liabilities to assets
            資產集中 asset concentration
            資產貢獻率 asset contribution factor
            資產利潤率 return on assets (ROA)
            資產質量 asset quality
            資產組合 asset portfolio
            資金成本 cost of funding; cost of capital; financing cost
            資金到位 fully funded (project)
            資金寬裕 to have sufficient funds
            資金利用率 fund utilization rate
            資金缺口 financing gap
            資金體外循環 financial disintermediation
            資金占壓 funds tied up
            自籌投資項目 self-financed projects
            自有資金 equity fund
            綜合國力 overall national strength (often measured by GDP)
            綜合效益指標 overall efficiency indicator
            綜合治理 comprehensive adjustment (retrenchment); over-haul
            總成交額 total contract value
            總交易量 total amount of transactions
            總成本 total cost
            最后貸款人 lender of last resort


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