


            阿基米德蝸桿 Archimedes worm
            安全系數 safety factor; factor of safety
            安全載荷 safe load
            凹面、凹度 concavity
            扳手 wrench
            板簧 flat leaf spring
            半圓鍵 woodruff key
            變形 deformation
            擺桿 oscillating bar
            擺動從動件 oscillating follower
            擺動從動件凸輪機構 cam with oscillating follower
            擺動導桿機構 oscillating guide-bar mechanism
            擺線齒輪 cycloidal gear
            擺線齒形 cycloidal tooth profile
            擺線運動規律 cycloidal motion
            擺線針輪 cycloidal-pin wheel
            包角 angle of contact
            保持架 cage
            背對背安裝 back-to-back arrangement
            背錐 back cone ; normal cone
            背錐角 back angle
            背錐距 back cone distance
            比例尺 scale
            比熱容 specific heat capacity
            閉式鏈 closed kinematic chain
            閉鏈機構 closed chain mechanism
            臂部 arm
            變頻器 frequency converters
            變頻調速 frequency control of motor speed
            變速 speed change
            變速齒輪 change gear ; change wheel
            變位齒輪 modified gear
            變位系數 modification coefficient
            標準齒輪 standard gear
            標準直齒輪 standard spur gear
            表面質量系數 superficial mass factor
            表面傳熱系數 surface coefficient of heat transfer
            表面粗糙度 surface roughness
            并聯式組合 combination in parallel
            并聯機構 parallel mechanism
            并聯組合機構 parallel combined mechanism
            并行工程 concurrent engineering
            并行設計 concurred design, CD
            不平衡相位 phase angle of unbalance
            不平衡 imbalance (or unbalance)
            不平衡量 amount of unbalance
            不完全齒輪機構 intermittent gearing
            波發生器 wave generator
            波數 number of waves
            補償 compensation
            參數化設計 parameterization design, PD
            殘余應力 residual stress
            操縱及控制裝置 operation control device
            槽輪 Geneva wheel
            槽輪機構 Geneva mechanism ; Maltese cross
            槽數 Geneva numerate
            槽凸輪 groove cam
            側隙 backlash
            差動輪系 differential gear train
            差動螺旋機構 differential screw mechanism
            差速器 differential
            常用機構 conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use
            車床 lathe
            承載量系數 bearing capacity factor
            承載能力 bearing capacity
            成對安裝 paired mounting
            尺寸系列 dimension series
            齒槽 tooth space
            齒槽寬 spacewidth
            齒側間隙 backlash
            齒頂高 addendum
            齒頂圓 addendum circle
            齒根高 dedendum
            齒根圓 dedendum circle
            齒厚 tooth thickness
            齒距 circular pitch
            齒寬 face width
            齒廓 tooth profile
            齒廓曲線 tooth curve
            齒輪 gear
            齒輪變速箱 speed-changing gear boxes
            齒輪齒條機構 pinion and rack
            齒輪插刀 pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter
            齒輪滾刀 hob ,hobbing cutter
            齒輪機構 gear
            齒輪輪坯 blank
            齒輪傳動系 pinion unit
            齒輪聯軸器 gear coupling
            齒條傳動 rack gear
            齒數 tooth number
            齒數比 gear ratio
            齒條 rack
            齒條插刀 rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter
            齒形鏈、無聲鏈 silent chain
            齒形系數 form factor
            齒式棘輪機構 tooth ratchet mechanism
            插齒機 gear shaper
            重合點 coincident points
            重合度 contact ratio
            沖床 punch
            傳動比 transmission ratio, speed ratio
            傳動裝置 gearing; transmission gear
            傳動系統 driven system
            傳動角 transmission angle
            傳動軸 transmission shaft
            串聯式組合 combination in series
            串聯式組合機構 series combined mechanism
            串級調速 cascade speed control
            創新 innovation ; creation
            創新設計 creation design
            垂直載荷、法向載荷 normal load
            唇形橡膠密封 lip rubber seal
            磁流體軸承 magnetic fluid bearing
            從動帶輪 driven pulley
            從動件 driven link, follower
            從動件平底寬度 width of flat-face
            從動件停歇 follower dwell
            從動件運動規律 follower motion
            從動輪 driven gear
            粗線 bold line
            粗牙螺紋 coarse thread
            大齒輪 gear wheel
            打包機 packer
            打滑 slipping
            帶傳動 belt driving
            帶輪 belt pulley
            帶式制動器 band brake
            單列軸承 single row bearing
            單向推力軸承 single-direction thrust bearing
            單萬向聯軸節 single universal joint
            單位矢量 unit vector
            當量齒輪 equivalent spur gear; virtual gear
            當量齒數 equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth
            當量摩擦系數 equivalent coefficient of friction
            當量載荷 equivalent load
            刀具 cutter
            導數 derivative
            倒角 chamfer
            導熱性 conduction of heat
            導程 lead
            導程角 lead angle
            等加等減速運動規律 parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion
            等速運動規律 uniform motion; constant velocity motion
            等徑凸輪 conjugate yoke radial cam
            等寬凸輪 constant-breadth cam
            等效構件 equivalent link
            等效力 equivalent force
            等效力矩 equivalent moment of force
            等效量 equivalent
            等效質量 equivalent mass
            等效轉動慣量 equivalent moment of inertia
            等效動力學模型 dynamically equivalent model
            底座 chassis
            低副 lower pair
            點劃線 chain dotted line
            (疲勞)點蝕 pitting
            墊圈 gasket
            墊片密封 gasket seal
            碟形彈簧 belleville spring
            頂隙 bottom clearance
            定軸輪系 ordinary gear train; gear train with fixed axes
            動力學 dynamics
            動密封 kinematical seal
            動能 dynamic energy
            動力粘度 dynamic viscosity
            動力潤滑 dynamic lubrication
            動平衡 dynamic balance
            動平衡機 dynamic balancing machine
            動態特性 dynamic characteristics
            動態分析設計 dynamic analysis design
            動壓力 dynamic reaction
            動載荷 dynamic load
            端面 transverse plane
            端面參數 transverse parameters
            端面齒距 transverse circular pitch
            端面齒廓 transverse tooth profile
            端面重合度 transverse contact ratio
            端面模數 transverse module
            端面壓力角 transverse pressure angle
            鍛造 forge
            對稱循環應力 symmetry circulating stress
            對心滾子從動件 radial (or in-line ) roller follower
            對心直動從動件 radial (or in-line ) translating follower
            對心移動從動件 radial reciprocating follower
            對心曲柄滑塊機構 in-line slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism
            多列軸承 multi-row bearing
            多楔帶 poly V-belt
            多項式運動規律 polynomial motion
            多質量轉子 rotor with several masses
            惰輪 idle gear
            額定壽命 rating life
            額定載荷 load rating
            II 級桿組 dyad
            發生線 generating line
            發生面 generating plane
            法面 normal plane
            法面參數 normal parameters
            法面齒距 normal circular pitch
            法面模數 normal module
            法面壓力角 normal pressure angle
            法向齒距 normal pitch
            法向齒廓 normal tooth profile
            法向直廓蝸桿 straight sided normal worm
            法向力 normal force
            反饋式組合 feedback combining
            反向運動學 inverse ( or backward) kinematics
            反轉法 kinematic inversion
            反正切 Arctan
            范成法 generating cutting
            仿形法 form cutting
            方案設計、概念設計 concept design, CD
            防振裝置 shockproof device
            飛輪 flywheel
            飛輪矩 moment of flywheel
            非標準齒輪 nonstandard gear
            非接觸式密封 non-contact seal
            非周期性速度波動 aperiodic speed fluctuation
            非圓齒輪 non-circular gear
            粉末合金 powder metallurgy
            分度線 reference line; standard pitch line
            分度圓 reference circle; standard (cutting) pitch circle
            分度圓柱導程角 lead angle at reference cylinder
            分度圓柱螺旋角 helix angle at reference cylinder
            分母 denominator
            分子 numerator
            分度圓錐 reference cone; standard pitch cone
            分析法 analytical method
            封閉差動輪系 planetary differential
            復合鉸鏈 compound hinge
            復合式組合 compound combining
            復合輪系 compound (or combined) gear train
            復合平帶 compound flat belt
            復合應力 combined stress
            復式螺旋機構 Compound screw mechanism
            復雜機構? complex mechanism
            桿組 Assur group
            干涉 interference
            剛度系數 stiffness coefficient
            剛輪 rigid circular spline
            鋼絲軟軸 wire soft shaft
            剛體導引機構 body guidance mechanism
            剛性沖擊 rigid impulse (shock)
            剛性轉子 rigid rotor
            剛性軸承 rigid bearing
            剛性聯軸器 rigid coupling
            高度系列 height series
            高速帶 high speed belt
            高副 higher pair
            格拉曉夫定理 Grashoff`s law
            根切 undercutting
            公稱直徑 nominal diameter
            高度系列 height series
            功 work
            工況系數 application factor
            工藝設計 technological design
            工作循環圖 working cycle diagram
            工作機構 operation mechanism
            工作載荷 external loads
            工作空間 working space
            工作應力 working stress
            工作阻力 effective resistance
            工作阻力矩 effective resistance moment
            公法線 common normal line
            公共約束 general constraint
            公制齒輪 metric gears
            功率 power
            功能分析設計 function analyses design
            共軛齒廓 conjugate profiles
            共軛凸輪 conjugate cam
            構件 link
            鼓風機 blower
            固定構件 fixed link; frame
            固體潤滑劑 solid lubricant
            關節型操作器 jointed manipulator
            慣性力 inertia force
            慣性力矩 moment of inertia ,shaking moment
            慣性力平衡 balance of shaking force
            慣性力完全平衡 full balance of shaking force
            慣性力部分平衡 partial balance of shaking force
            慣性主矩 resultant moment of inertia
            慣性主失 resultant vector of inertia
            冠輪 crown gear
            廣義機構 generation mechanism
            廣義坐標 generalized coordinate
            軌跡生成 path generation
            軌跡發生器 path generator
            滾刀 hob
            滾道 raceway
            滾動體 rolling element
            滾動軸承 rolling bearing
            滾動軸承代號 rolling bearing identification code
            滾針 needle roller
            滾針軸承 needle roller bearing
            滾子 roller
            滾子軸承 roller bearing
            滾子半徑 radius of roller
            滾子從動件 roller follower
            滾子鏈 roller chain
            滾子鏈聯軸器 double roller chain coupling
            滾珠絲桿 ball screw
            滾柱式單向超越離合器 roller clutch
            過度切割 undercutting
            函數發生器 function generator
            函數生成 function generation
            含油軸承 oil bearing
            耗油量 oil consumption
            耗油量系數 oil consumption factor
            赫茲公式 H. Hertz equation
            合成彎矩 resultant bending moment
            合力 resultant force
            合力矩 resultant moment of force
            黑箱 black box
            橫坐標 abscissa
            互換性齒輪 interchangeable gears
            花鍵 spline
            滑鍵、導鍵 feather key
            滑動軸承 sliding bearing
            滑動率 sliding ratio
            滑塊 slider
            環面蝸桿 toroid helicoids worm
            環形彈簧 annular spring
            緩沖裝置 shocks; shock-absorber
            灰鑄鐵 grey cast iron
            回程 return
            回轉體平衡 balance of rotors
            混合輪系? compound gear train
            積分 integrate
            機電一體化系統設計 mechanical-electrical integration system design
            機構 mechanism
            機構分析 analysis of mechanism
            機構平衡 balance of mechanism
            機構學 mechanism
            機構運動設計 kinematic design of mechanism
            機構運動簡圖 kinematic sketch of mechanism
            機構綜合 synthesis of mechanism
            機構組成 constitution of mechanism
            機架 frame, fixed link
            機架變換 kinematic inversion
            機器 machine
            機器人 robot
            機器人操作器 manipulator
            機器人學 robotics
            技術過程 technique process
            技術經濟評價 technical and economic evaluation
            技術系統 technique system
            機械 machinery
            機械創新設計 mechanical creation design, MCD
            機械系統設計 mechanical system design, MSD
            機械動力分析 dynamic analysis of machinery
            機械動力設計 dynamic design of machinery
            機械動力學 dynamics of machinery
            機械的現代設計 modern machine design
            機械系統 mechanical system
            機械利益 mechanical advantage
            機械平衡 balance of machinery
            機械手 manipulator
            機械設計 machine design; mechanical design
            機械特性 mechanical behavior
            機械調速 mechanical speed governors
            機械效率 mechanical efficiency
            機械原理 theory of machines and mechanisms
            機械運轉不均勻系數 coefficient of speed fluctuation
            機械無級變速 mechanical stepless speed changes
            基礎機構 fundamental mechanism
            基本額定壽命 basic rating life
            基于實例設計 case-based design,CBD
            基圓 base circle
            基圓半徑 radius of base circle
            基圓齒距 base pitch
            基圓壓力角 pressure angle of base circle
            基圓柱 base cylinder
            基圓錐 base cone
            急回機構 quick-return mechanism
            急回特性 quick-return characteristics
            急回系數 advance-to return-time ratio
            急回運動 quick-return motion
            棘輪 ratchet
            棘輪機構 ratchet mechanism
            棘爪 pawl
            極限位置 extreme (or limiting) position
            極位夾角 crank angle between extreme (or limiting) positions
            計算機輔助設計 computer aided design, CAD
            計算機輔助制造 computer aided manufacturing, CAM
            計算機集成制造系統 computer integrated manufacturing system, CIMS
            計算力矩 factored moment; calculation moment
            計算彎矩 calculated bending moment
            加權系數 weighting efficient
            加速度 acceleration
            加速度分析 acceleration analysis
            加速度曲線 acceleration diagram
            尖點 pointing; cusp
            尖底從動件 knife-edge follower
            間隙 backlash
            間歇運動機構 intermittent motion mechanism
            減速比 reduction ratio
            減速齒輪、減速裝置 reduction gear
            減速器 speed reducer
            減摩性 anti-friction quality
            漸開螺旋面 involute helicoid
            漸開線 involute
            漸開線齒廓 involute profile
            漸開線齒輪 involute gear
            漸開線發生線 generating line of involute
            漸開線方程 involute equation
            漸開線函數 involute function
            漸開線蝸桿 involute worm
            漸開線壓力角 pressure angle of involute
            漸開線花鍵 involute spline
            簡諧運動 simple harmonic motion
            鍵 key
            鍵槽 keyway
            交變應力 repeated stress
            交變載荷 repeated fluctuating load
            交叉帶傳動 cross-belt drive
            交錯軸斜齒輪 crossed helical gears
            膠合 scoring
            角加速度 angular acceleration
            角速度 angular velocity
            角速比 angular velocity ratio
            角接觸球軸承 angular contact ball bearing
            角接觸推力軸承 angular contact thrust bearing
            角接觸向心軸承 angular contact radial bearing
            角接觸軸承 angular contact bearing
            鉸鏈、樞紐 hinge
            校正平面 correcting plane
            接觸應力 contact stress
            接觸式密封 contact seal
            階梯軸 multi-diameter shaft
            結構 structure
            結構設計 structural design
            截面 section
            節點 pitch point
            節距 circular pitch; pitch of teeth
            節線 pitch line
            節圓 pitch circle
            節圓齒厚 thickness on pitch circle
            節圓直徑 pitch diameter
            節圓錐 pitch cone
            節圓錐角 pitch cone angle
            解析設計 analytical design
            緊邊 tight-side
            緊固件 fastener
            徑節 diametral pitch
            徑向 radial direction
            徑向當量動載荷 dynamic equivalent radial load
            徑向當量靜載荷 static equivalent radial load
            徑向基本額定動載荷 basic dynamic radial load rating
            徑向基本額定靜載荷 basic static radial load tating
            徑向接觸軸承 radial contact bearing
            徑向平面 radial plane
            徑向游隙 radial internal clearance
            徑向載荷 radial load
            徑向載荷系數 radial load factor
            徑向間隙 clearance
            靜力 static force
            靜平衡 static balance
            靜載荷 static load
            靜密封 static seal
            局部自由度 passive degree of freedom
            矩陣 matrix
            矩形螺紋 square threaded form
            鋸齒形螺紋 buttress thread form
            矩形牙嵌式離合器 square-jaw positive-contact clutch
            絕對尺寸系數 absolute dimensional factor
            絕對運動 absolute motion
            絕對速度 absolute velocity
            均衡裝置 load balancing mechanism
            抗壓強度 compression strength
            開口傳動 open-belt drive
            開式鏈 open kinematic chain
            開鏈機構 open chain mechanism
            可靠度 degree of reliability
            可靠性 reliability
            可靠性設計 reliability design, RD
            空氣彈簧 air spring
            空間機構 spatial mechanism
            空間連桿機構 spatial linkage
            空間凸輪機構 spatial cam
            空間運動副 spatial kinematic pair
            空間運動鏈 spatial kinematic chain
            空轉 idle
            寬度系列 width series
            框圖 block diagram
            雷諾方程 Reynolds‘s equation
            離心力 centrifugal force
            離心應力 centrifugal stress
            離合器 clutch
            離心密封 centrifugal seal
            理論廓線 pitch curve
            理論嚙合線 theoretical line of action
            隸屬度 membership
            力 force
            力多邊形 force polygon
            力封閉型凸輪機構 force-drive (or force-closed) cam mechanism
            力矩 moment
            力平衡 equilibrium
            力偶 couple
            力偶矩 moment of couple
            連桿 connecting rod, coupler
            連桿機構 linkage
            連桿曲線 coupler-curve
            連心線 line of centers
            鏈 chain
            鏈傳動裝置 chain gearing
            鏈輪 sprocket ; sprocket-wheel ; sprocket gear ; chain wheel
            聯組 V 帶 tight-up V belt
            聯軸器 coupling ; shaft coupling
            兩維凸輪 two-dimensional cam
            臨界轉速 critical speed
            六桿機構 six-bar linkage
            龍門刨床 double Haas planer
            輪坯 blank
            輪系 gear train
            螺桿 screw
            螺距 thread pitch
            螺母 screw nut
            螺旋錐齒輪 helical bevel gear
            螺釘 screws
            螺栓 bolts
            螺紋導程 lead
            螺紋效率 screw efficiency
            螺旋傳動 power screw
            螺旋密封 spiral seal
            螺紋 thread (of a screw)
            螺旋副 helical pair


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