


              Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well   appreciated by their purchasers.

              暢銷全球 selling well all over the world

              典雅大方 elegant and graceful

              定型耐久 durable modeling

              方便顧客 making things convenient for customers

              方便群眾 making things convenient for the people; to suit the people's convenience

              方便商品 convenience goods


              bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life; providing amenities for the   people; making life easier for the population

              各式俱全 wide selection; large assortment

              顧客第一 Customers first

              顧客是我們的皇帝 We take customers as our Gods.

              規格齊全 a complete range of specifications; complete in specifications

              花樣繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs

              貨色齊全 goods of every description are available.

              客商第一,信譽第一 clients first, reputation first

              款式多樣 a great variety of models

              款式活潑端莊 vivid and great in style

              款式齊全 various styles

              款式新穎 attractive designs; fashionable(in) style; novel (in) design; up-to-date styling

              款式新穎眾多 diversified latest designs

              美觀大方 elegant appearance

              美觀耐用 attractive and durable

              品質優良,療效顯著,譽滿全球,歡迎選購 excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation   over the world, orders are welcome.

              品種多樣 numerous in variety

              品種繁多 great varieties

              品種齊全 complete range of articles; a great variety of goods

              讓我們的商品走向世界 Let our commodities go to the world.

              色彩鮮艷 bright in colour

              色澤光潤 bright luster

              色澤艷麗 beautiful in colour

              深受顧客歡迎 We have won praise from customers; to win warm praise from customers.

              深受國內外客戶的信賴和稱譽 to win a high admiration and is widely trusted at home and abroad.

              深受消費者的歡迎和好評 to be highly praised and appreciated by the consuming public

              式樣美觀 aesthetic appearance; attractive fashion

              式樣新穎大方  modern and elegant in fashion

              式樣雅致 elegant in style

              式樣眾多 in many styles
              適合男女老幼四季穿著 suitable for men and women of all ages in all seasons

              外型大方 elegant shape

              享有聲譽 to win a high admiration

              新品迭出 new varieties are introduced one after another

              行銷世界 to be distributed all over the world


              to be renowned both at home and abroad for exquisite workmanship, skillful knitting and   elegant design


              famous for selected materials, novel designs, delightful colors and exquisite workmanship


              famous for high quality raw materials, full range of specifications and sizes, and great   variety of designs and colours

              譽滿中外 to enjoy high reputation at home and abroad

              在國際市場上享有盛譽 to enjoy high reputation in the international market

              造型美觀 attractive appearance; handsome apprearance

              質量第一,用戶至上 quality first, consumers first

              種類繁多 wide varieties

              安心益氣 to make one feel at ease and energetic

              包君健康 keep you fit all the time

              保健治病 promoting health and curing diseases

              保暖防風 warm and windproof


              an enricher and nutrient for the liver and kidney, for improving blood circulation,   beneficial to essential medulla, strengthening sinews and bones, preventing hairs from   greying and helpful to retain complexion


              good for energy and the spleen, beneficial to the sperm, nourishing the kidneys relieving   rheumatism, activating blood circulation and strengthening sinews and bones

              補血和氣,壯腰強筋 norishing blood and adjusting spirit, strenthening waist and sinews

              除濕散寒,祛風定痛 relieving rheumatism, chills and pains

              穿著舒適輕便 comfortable and easy to wear

              促進體質 to invigorate health effectively

              滌煩療渴 to clear out annoyance and quench thirst

              冬暖夏涼 cool in summer and warm in winter

              芳香開竅,理氣止痛 removing obstruction, smoothing circulation and stopping pains.

              防病治病,延年益壽 to prevent and cure diseases, and to have a long life.

              富有濃厚詩情兩畫意 rich in poetic and pictorial splendor

              瑰麗多彩 pretty and colourful

              花色入時 fashionable patterns

              華麗臻美 beautiful and charming

              戒煙 making people refrain from smoking

              經久耐用 durable in use; durable service

              久享盛名 with a long standing reputation

              居家旅行,工礦必備之良藥 an indispensable sovereign remedy for home, travelling, factories   and mines.

              老少良伴 good companions for children as well as adults

              歷史悠久 to have a long historical standing

              男女老少皆宜 sutable for men, women, and children

              其功若神 as effectively as a fairy does.

              輕身延壽 to reduce body weight and prolong life.

              清火明目,怡神醒腦,幫助消化 to produce an effect toward clear vision, refreshment, and   digestion helping

              清潔口腔 cleaning the oral cavity.


              good for antipyretic and throat soother, curing cough and facilitating expectoration and   relieving hoarseness

              清晰突出 clear and distinctive

              祛風散寒,活血止痛 relieving rheumatism and cold, invigorating blood circulation and stopping   pains

              染制精良 meticulous dyeing processes

              柔軟輕盈 soft and light

              色彩奪目,迥然不俗 colours are striking, yet not vulgar
              色彩奇異大方 in pain, fancy colours

              色彩協調 matching in colour

              色澤鮮艷可愛 lovely luster

              設計華麗 luxuriant in design

              手感舒適 comfortable feel

              提神,生津 refreshing and enriching the saliva

              條紋清晰 clear-cut texture

              消熱止渴 relieving heat and thirst.

              消暑解熱,明目怡神 relieving heat and sunstroke, refreshing and beneficial to the eyes

              顏色調和 harmonious colours

              益氣強壯,延緩衰老 bracing up the whole system and strengthening it, delaying senility

              益氣養陰,生津增液,補肺健脾 supplement the vital energy and nourish yin, promote the   production of body fluid and saliva

              雍容華麗 rich and magnificent

              永不褪色 fast colour

              優點出眾 outstanding features

              質地考究 superior (in) quality

              質地優良 fine quality

              助消湍?to help digest greasy food

              按質論價 fixing prices according to quality of products

              包裝多樣 diversified in packaging

              包裝牢固 strong packing

              包裝美觀牢固 elegant and sturdy package

              包裝新穎美觀 fashionable and attractive packages

              保溫性強 extremely efficient in preserving heat; good heat preservation

              保險性強 high safety

              保質保量 quality and quantity assured

              備用詳細目錄,惠索即寄 catalogues will be sent upon request

              備有各種款式的現貨,任君挑選 available in various designs and specifications for your   selection

              備有塑料盒,便于安全保存 a plastic case is compartmentalized for safe storage.

              表面光澤 lustrous surface

              薄利多銷 volume large, profit small

              不可退貨 without return

              不惜工本 spare no cost at any cost;at all costs; at any cost

              采用先進技術和工藝 to adopt advanced technology

              采用最新設備和工藝 with the most up-to-date equipment and techniques

              操作簡便 easy and simple to handle

              產品按質分等 grade products according to quality

              常飲綠茶,增進健康 regular tea drinking improves your health

              敞開供應 sufficent supply; products are sold without limitations; commodities are available   without restriction

              傳送靈活 to ensure smooth transmission

              傳統繡工精湛 exquisite traditional embroidery art

              大賤賣 sale price; crazy price; terrific value; special buy

              定牌包裝 packing of nominated brand

              獨特的民族風味 to have a unique national style

              多年使用,不出故障 to assure years of trouble-free service.

              防水、防震、防磁 waterproof, shock-resistant and antimagnetic
              防縮 shrink-proof

              防皺 crease-resistance

              富有彈性 high resilience

              工藝精良 sophisticated technologies

              供不應求 in short supply; demand exceeding supply

              光潔度高 highly polished

              回味雋永 pleasant in after-taste

              貨源充足 ample supply and prompt delivery

              技術先進 modern techniques

              技藝精湛 exquisite craftsmanship; fine craftsmanship

              價格公道 reasonable price; street price; moderate price

              價格適中 moderrat cost

              價謙物美 high quality and inexpensive; less expensive, high quality goods; high quality and   low overhead

              節日送禮之佳品 ideal gift for all occasions

              潔白純正 pure whiteness

              潔白如玉 jade white

              潔白透明 pure white and translucent

              結構堅固 sturdy construction; firm in structure

              經久耐用 structural durabilities

              精打細算 be shrewd in money matters; careful calculation and strict budgeting

              居同類產品之魁首 to rank first among similar products

              具有傳統風味特色 distinctive for its traditional properties

              具有中國風味 possessing Chinese flavours

              抗沖擊強度高 excellent in cushion effect

              抗熱耐磨 strong resistance to heat and hard wearign

              科學精制 by scientific process

              口味鮮美 delicious in taste

              快干 drip-dry

              買一送一 buy one give one; buy one get one free

              免燙 non-ironing

              能多次翻新 can be repeatedly remoulded.

              您想購買中國土特產品嗎? Do you want to buy some Chinese native produce?

              烹制簡便 convenient to cook

              品質優良 excellent (in) quality

              清倉大拍賣 clearance price

              清貨大減價 big clearance sale

              清香爽口 pleasant to the palate

              請君常購中國綠茶 always buy Chinese green teas.

              韌硬兼顧 to have both the quality of tenacity and hardness

              入口和醇 mild and mellow

              軟硬適中 neither too hard nor too soft

              散熱迅速 rapid heat dissipation

              色澤光潔,柔軟防滑 lustrous, soft and antislippery

              色澤清澈 limpid in sight

              設計合理 professional design

              設計新穎 modern design

              生意興隆 driving a roaring trade
              使用方便 easy to use

              使用極便 utmost in convenience

              使用壽命長久 long perfomance life

              歲末大減價 year-end bargain sale

              甜而不膩 agreeable sweetness

              外觀色澤透明 bright and traslucent in appearance

              外型永葆如新 to ensur a like-new appearance indefinely

              維修簡易 easy to repair

              味道純正 good taste

              味鮮可口 agreeable to taste

              物價穩定 price remains stable

              夏季特別大減價 special summer sale

              香濃可口  aromatic character and agreeable taste

              香氣馥郁 fragrant aroma

              香氣高雅 elegant in smell

              香味純和 pure and mild flavour

              香味濃郁 aromatic flavour; fragrant (in) flavour

              性能可靠 dependable performance

              性能可靠 reliable perormance

              性能無與倫比 unequal in performanc

              性能優越 superior performance

              選材精良 superior materials

              選料講究 high quality materials

              選料考究 choice materials

              沿用傳統的生產方式 with traditional methods

              易于潤滑 easy to lubricate

              用料精選 carefully selected materials

              用料上乘 selected material

              優質西瓜,消暑解渴 top watermelons, quell summer thirst

              制作精巧 skilful manufacture

              制作精巧 perfect in workmanship

              質量高,衛生嚴 high standard in quality and hygiene

              眾所喜愛品嘗之佳品 delicacies loved by all

              走時準確 punctual timing

              最新工工藝 latest technology

              做工講究 exquisite (in) workmanship

              做工精細 fine workmanship


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